ESR will, upon request, program your elevator phone to dial our phone number directly. A message will be programmed into the phone that states the location of the elevator and the return phone number to the person answering the call.
It is possible that the phone line is set up with the phone service provider to dial a number that is pre-determined. These are known as a ring-down line or direct connect. In this case, the Building Manager or Owner’s Representative will need to contact the phone company directly in order to change the desired number that the elevator phone will dial.
Regarding elevators without phones, the requirement is to have an exterior bell mounted on the building so the individual pressing the alarm button in the elevator has the means to signal that he or she is stuck.
Our trained staff is monitoring the phones 24-7. In the case of an entrapment or other unexpected emergency, an ESR technician will be dispatched as soon as the call is received, day or night.